
The classes used to represent search results on IMDb.

This information is gathered from the JSON responses IMDb uses for various GET requests for their search results.


class, search_rank)

The base search result class.

Contains the basic search result information both SearchResultName and SearchResultTitle use.

  • imdb_id (str) – The ID used by IMDb. Prefixed with nm for names and tt for titles.
  • search_rank (int) – The ranking of the result by IMDb.


class, search_rank, name, known_for)

Search result for a person within IMDb.

Contains the rest of the information IMDb provides within a search result when the ID is for a person.

  • imdb_id (str) – The ID used by IMDb prefixed with nm.
  • search_rank (int) – The ranking of the result by IMDb.
  • name (str) – The name of the person.
  • known_for (str) – The blurb IMDb provides for what the person is known for to build the search results.


class, search_rank, display_title, title_type, starring, start_year, end_year)

Search result for a title within IMDb.

Contains the rest of the information IMDb provides within a search result when the ID is for a title. Note: If the title_type is a “video game”, the starring list will be empty as IMDb provides the title’s genres in its place.

  • imdb_id (str) – The ID used by IMDb prefixed with tt.
  • search_rank (int) – The ranking of the result by IMDb.
  • display_title (str) – The title used by IMDb within search results.
  • title_type (str) – The type of title (ex: TV series, feature, etc).
  • starring (list of str) – A list of two actor names that are known for starring in the film.
  • start_year (int) – The year the title was released, or the start year if a TV series.
  • end_year (int) – The year a TV series was ended, or None if the series has not ended or is not a TV series.