
The classes used to represent various information about companies on IMDb.

All information for the classes here will be scraped from IMDb web pages.


class, title_id, start_year, end_year, notes)

Stores a title a company is credited for on IMDb.

This information is taken from IMDb’s search by company ID for titles that include it in their credits.

  • company_id (str) – The companys’s ID used by IMDb prefixed with co.
  • title_id (str) – The titles’s ID used by IMDb prefixed with tt.
  • start_year (int) – The year the title released, or the year the company started being credited for a TV series.
  • end_year (int) – The year the company stopped being credited for a TV series, or None otherwise.
  • notes (list of str) – A list of further notes IMDb gives about the credit.


class, title_id, company_name, category, notes)

Stores a company that is credited on a title’s IMDb page.

This information is taken from a title’s IMDb company credits page, and contains more information on what a company is credited on a title for.

  • company_id (str) – The company’s ID used by IMDb prefixed with co.
  • title_id (str) – The titles’s ID used by IMDb prefixed with tt.
  • company_name (str) – The company’s name it was credited under.
  • category (str) – The category the company was credited for.
  • notes (list of str) – A list of further notes IMDb gives about the credit.